Wednesday 14 January 2009

Crunch and beer.

Another very quite day.
Since Monday London had a few companies announcing more redundancies so while everyone seems be worrying if they will have a job or not this year, I have to wait if my phone will ring!.

Barclays Bank, just to name one, said today it planned to cut 2,100 jobs at its retail and commercial banking business.Even the tourists are less this year in London!

The only call I’ve got was from a 36 years old man claiming to be a student and demanding a discount fee, which I thanked but had to turn it down as I am not that desperate yet!

By the way: I was having a big laugh this afternoon while reading news about a Californian man who arranged to sell his 14 years old daughter for 100 cases of beer and got arrested after complaining to the police that his payment failed to appear!.

I hate drunk clients!!!.
They take a awful lot of time to cum, they smell bad, I can’t understand half of what they are saying because their English became a fucking pasta of words and they can be very heavy on top of you as they lose notion of their weight after fell beers and jump on you as someone riding a horse!

Who said I lead an easy life where the money comes even easier?


Miss Ginger Grant said...

"A pasta of words!" I love that phrase and I am going to steal it! Vey well put!

MadeInScotland said...

Healthy gums, strong teeth and fresh breath are the key to happiness. See what happens when without?
