Tuesday 16 December 2008

Son of a bitch

Another very cold night and I had one of those clients fucked up to finish the night not so well.
The guy called middle afternoon and seemed rather than nice. We agreed to meet up at 7.30 at his flat in Pimlico however once I got there the number just didn’t exist. I tried to call him back because maybe I was at the wrong street or building somehow but the son of a bitch switched the phone off.

The building, a very nice riverside development, had an Eastern European porter by the gate. I thought of asking him about Mr. John however this is a sort of very common name and probably there was dozens of Johns living there. Plus: most of the guys hiring an escort just give a nick name, never their real names so it was very likely that Mr. John actually had another identity.

I looked at the porter twice.
A quite well built tall blonde guy with a heavy coat and that face irradiating testosterone. He was much more a sort of builder than a first class doorman but his stature and straight face somehow would impose respect the place and I don’t think anybody would his to mess him up.

He didn’t look back or even asked if I needed help so I gave up the day – even thinking of asking him when he would have a break so I maybe could give him a free blowjob to worth the trip over there!

I have no idea what makes someone call a sex worker, book a session and disappears wasting my time – and their time as well for an instance. It is just suck!
Pimlico is very close to the river and on my way back I could feel the wind blowing so could that hurt!

Half a hour later I was in front of my TV, under my duvet with a hot bow of tomato soup when the phone hang.
Even the day didn’t have that much action and I was finishing it off almost hand empted I decided that was time to stop and rest a little bit for the next day so I just turned it off.

Mr. Jones, an lovely Irish client texted me earlier saying that he is thinking of start to produce short movies. Well sort of adult short movies, and will show me a project i may could ne on board.
We are set to meet next week for some sex, vodka and to talk about his new adventure. Not sure if it worth – not even sure If there are any money involved or neither if it would be kind of hot adult stuff or just small porn movies. But I quite like challenges.

1 comment:

A Lewis said...

I can't stand people that don't follow through on their word and take advantage of others (and not in a good way!). Sorry about that. If I'd made an appointment with you, believe me, I'd have kept it.