Monday, 18 May 2009

National Condom Week

So today starts the National Condom Week in UK?.

I don’t know why they have to set a specific period for that. Do people in UK only fuck once a year through the period of 18th to 24th of May? Did the organizers manage to communicate it for the public?

Not really sure.

Even when I went to Google to try to find out if anything interesting was happening, one of the 3 first results is a article for the Independent Newspaper (written back in 1993!).

I use condom everyday due my work and, honestly, that is something the health departments have to tackle more effectively ON A DAILY BASIS!

People would be surprised by the amount of clients I have asking for bareback, people that never met me before and suddenly we meet and they pop the question:
- Do you do BB?
- No, sorry.
- Even if I pay extra?.
- No.

Some of them even get angry for the refusal. Most of the guys asking for bareback are not the ones 100% gays. They are the ‘Bi-married’ ones, the most dangerous specimens on earth (and the most selfish as well). How they dare to leave the wives at home, escape for a fuck and risk doing it without protection? Certainly if they want to fuck strangers (me) without protection they are not bothered to use protection at home with their partners either.

Lots of money are spent on those campaigns for events like that Condom week’ I don’t think it work if you just remind people once in a while about the benefits of using condoms.
Besides that, let be honest: fucking an ass (the passage for dirty things you body doesn’t process) without protection its a mess. And so is having someone cumming inside you bum.
It is not sexy for me.


Miss Ginger Grant said...

I spend most of my weekends schlepping around in a dress, trying to raise money for an organization that was created to help educate the gay community on AIDS awareness and condom use!!!
When I hear about people who "bareback" I automatically assume they are already infected and therefore feel like they have nothing to protect themselves from. That is the only reason I can imagine for such STUPID behavior! Next time one of those pigs asks youto bareback, you shold tell the "hell no and get out!"

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see someone still making a strong appeal for condom use and safe sex. I get the impression that safe sex is being increasingly ignored particularly by young gays who seem to believe that AIDS is now a manageable disease and nothing to worry about anymore. In some circles if you support safe sex you are even referred to as a "condom Nazi". Crazy world!! Keep up the good work.
I love your blog - it's amusing, entertaining and insightful.

1111 said...

ive had a guy cum in me once. out of pure lag of judgement. n lucky im still safe. not doing that again. no matter how hot the man is.

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