Saturday, 7 March 2009

Sperm and the beauty industry

‘Beauty industry: it sells products that don’t really work to people who don’t really need them at prices they can’t really afford’ (columnist Sam Leith, The Guardian, 05.03.09)

I found a newspaper supplement inside a Tube on my way to a client and although have no idea who the hell Sam Leigh is but I love him already. That is so true! I try to use as less as possible when it comes to cosmetics. It is good to have a nice shampoo, a good scrub cream and that’s it to be honest.

Needless to say that I also avoid perfume. I love them however it is not recommended for my work because I can’t leave any track of smell when dealing with most of my clients as they are married or are into a relationship – so getting home smelling Obsession, by Calvin Klein can be a big problem for them.

The only thing that really works and cost nothing is sperm.
Do laugh!!!. It is true.
Must be all those minerals and proteins that come with and it make a lot of sense if you image that sperm can generate a new life so why not would be able to work positively on your skin?

Usually I don’t have even to ask, as some guys like to blow their cocks on escorts faces anyway. However if I have a quite week with not so many clients I just ask one of them to come on my face. I try to pick and chose (clean, nice, tidy guys jump to the front of the queue).

It may doesn’t smell as nice as one of those fancy overpriced facial cream . . . but certainly it works and at a zero expense!.


Miss Ginger Grant said...

For those of us "not in the industry", I wonder if our own sperm works? Or if it has to be another persons?

Anonymous said...

Im sure your own sperm would work..