The cliente that day was a Chinese guy that comes to London twice a mounth. Married, two kids and a work that keeps him far from home for at least 20 days a month. I find so crazy those rich people with mad jobs and no time for family!
Luckly he has time for me.
The great thing about Chinese men is that: they are absolutely easy to please and they are very calm. So different from Greek and Italian!!!
I remember last time I had an Italian client I wanted to run away. First of all Italian are rude in bed, and talk a little loud and don’t care if you are having fun or not because they are paying. That is the worst behaviour a client could have. Secondly they love to change positions every 2 minutes!
And so far I didn’t have any Greek client that was happy.
They always have that face as someone that just got bad news or lost their job!
They like to spank while having sex too and I don’t like that because if they leave any marks it can affect my job. And no matter how many times you tell them you are not into those sorts of heavy sex, they always will try it. And try again. Until eventually their time is up and you have just to throw them from bed.
I haven’t got a clue were they come up with that saying about Italian being hot lovers! That research certainly was conducted by an Italian group.
And as per the Greek I am still to hear if they are good in anything at all.